Getting Started

  • Your initial contact is important. They have certain suspicions about you, right or wrong, that you must overcome. They think that you are with a cult or are trying to sell them something. They have had many people come to their door over the years and are going to want to get rid of you as quickly as possible. So be friendly and personable. Try to be pleasant rather than angry. Pray for wisdom before and during your time soul winning.
  • Here are good examples of an opening line:
    • Example 1: “Hello, so as not to scare you, we are not Jehovah’s witnesses or Mormons, and we are not trying to sell you anything. We are just handing out free comic books (chick tract). May I give you one?”
    • Example 2: “Hello, we are from a Baptist church right down the street and are handing out free portions of Scripture (John and Romans). May I give you one?
    • Example 3: “Hello, my name is _________. We are from the ______________ Church and are out in your neighborhood handing out Bible tracts. May I give you one?
  • Your next statement will be to establish a connection with the person. One of the best ways to do this is to ask their name. You may use some small talk as well. I am not very good at small talk so I don’t use it too much, but I will on occasion. Small talk allows for a natural opening into the gospel. Here is an example of how to ask for someone’s name.
    • “So we are not strangers, my name is _________. What’s yours?
  • Now you need to lead into the gospel presentation. Here are some examples:
    • Example 1: “(Name of person), we are out here today asking one very important question.”
    • Example 2: “(Name of person), I’d like to ask you a quick question.”

The gospel presentation

Are you 100% sure you are going to heaven when you die? The Bible says you can be! I Jn. 5:13

  1. Recognize that you are a sinner
    1. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Rm. 3:23
    2. Sin is anything you do that is bad. This makes you a sinner. Do you agree with that?
  2. The payment (wages) for sin is death.
    1. “For the wages of sin is death…” Rm. 6:23 You will die one day because of your sin.
    2. “But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Rv. 21:8 God will send the sinner to hell because He is holy and will not allow one sin into Heaven.
  3. Jesus’ blood is the only way to have your sins washed away
    1. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rm. 5:8
    2. Jesus is God, and He came down to this earth two thousand years ago in the form of human flesh. He lived a sinless life for thirty-three and one-half years. Then men became jealous of Jesus and brought up false charges against him and crucified Him on a cross. Jesus died, was buried in a tomb but three days later, He raised Himself from the dead. Do you know why Jesus had to go through that bloody mess on the cross? Because the only thing that can wash away your sin is the blood of Jesus Christ. Because God doesn’t want to see anyone go to hell (II Pt. 3:9) He would have sent Jesus Christ to do this for only you had you been the only one in need of saving! That shows you how great God’s love is! “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” Rm. 5:9
    3. Do you believe that Jesus shed His blood to wash away your sins and that God raised Him from the dead?
  4. Your good deeds cannot save you from hell.
    1. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works lest and man should boast.”
    2. Some common works that cannot save you are:

             i.     Being baptized (remember only the blood of Jesus can wash away sin)

             ii.    Keeping the ten commandments (In God’s eyes, if you break one, you are guilty of breaking them all! Jm. 2:10)

             iii.   Joining a church (Religion is basically man’s attempt to reach God, and it is hopeless. Salvation is God’s attempt to reach man, and this is man’s                         only hope to be with God.)

  1. Repent
    1. “For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” II Cor. 7:10
    2. Are you sorry that you are a sinner and are you willing to turn to God to have Him forgive you and take your sins away?
  2. Receive Jesus as your Savior by faith
    1. If you agree with what you have just read, then all you need to do is say it in prayer to God. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Rm. 10:9 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Rm. 10:13
  3. Sinner’s Prayer
    1. Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and unless you save me, I am lost forever. I come to you the best way I know how, believing you died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life, and am asking that you save me. I receive you as my Savior and trust you to forgive and justify me. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

Tips when soul winning

  • When witnessing, stick to the plan of salvation. You do not need to teach them everything you know about the Bible. Your goal is to find out if they are saved, and if they are not saved, to lead them to Christ.
  • Be respectful of people and their property. Remember that you are a guest in their community. Watch your conduct at all times. People know that you are in their neighborhood the moment you show up. Don’t talk loud and goof-off. Soul winning is serious business. Avoid walking on people’s grass. This shows respect for them and the hard work they put into maintaining their lawn. Usually, I knock firmly seven times on the solid part of the door. This was called the “soul winner’s knock” when I was growing up. If someone does not want to talk, be respectful. Don’t ruin the next opportunity for the soul winner who may come behind you. Be polite.
  • The standard team for soulwinning is two people. This may vary from time to time. Here are some important things to remember. One person should do the talking. If both of you are trying to talk, it causes confusion for the person listening. The silent partner should only talk when it is obvious that they are being invited into the conversation. However, this does not mean that the silent partner is not busy. They have one of the most important jobs. They should be silently praying while their partner is witnessing. They should run any interference that may arise to allow the main speaker to keep witnessing. Interference may be the enemy’s way of stopping a soul from being saved. They should also watch the surroundings. In the world we now live in, there are many uncertainties. The silent partner is also watching the team’s safety. In the rare case, having two people at the door can save the soul winner from false accusations as to their conduct.
  • It is a good idea to not witness to children without their parent’s permission. You can hand them a tract made especially for kids, but don’t strike up a conversation. Men should be extra cautious to heed this advice. I used to think it was ok for women or teenagers to witness to children when we are out soul winning, but have found that in the times we live in, all should take the advice given.
  • When an inappropriate situation rises, like someone coming to the door improperly clothed, you do not have to stay at the door, leave. If someone is behaving badly, especially towards the women, you do not have to stay, leave. Rules of decency still apply. We live in a day where there is a lot of hate towards everyone. You must look out for each other, and you are under no obligation to stay and talk to someone who is being vile. Men should be especially aware of the females that are connected to your team. Look out for them.
  • The soul winners’ attire should be neat and clean. In some cases, there seems to be a better reception to a pair of nice jeans and a button-down shirt than to a shirt and tie. Ladies should dress modestly, not attracting unwanted attention to your body. Don’t flirt or try to be cool. Be professional. You are a soul winner. You are doing a good work for your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Always remember that you represent Him first. If you can medically help it, don’t wear sunglasses. You have nothing to hide. People can tell just how serious you are just by looking at your eyes.
  • Remember, your soul winning preparation starts long before you show up at the door. Soul winning should never be a substitute for a good walk with God.